Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Jason Aldean sucks a fucking cock
With shit on it I might add. I fucking think dude sucks. I am at a bar and these fucking hillbilly hiphop freaks are fucking hounding me to play this garbage. It sounds like bad GnR with a shitty hillbilly singer with a dick in his throat. Fuck shit fuck. The bar tender is even bugging the shit outta me. This isn't her personal jukebox time. And I don't need ger reminding me to that guys at the bar want to have anal sex with Jason Aldean. I GET IT FUCKFACE. God damnit. I have played him 4 times and have more in the play list. These rednecks sniffed out that I am here for the money and I actually hate most country. Well not really but kinda. Dude was like COREY SMITH and I was like WHAT SONG and he was like YOU KNOW knowing I don't know. I thought he was gonna punch me.
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Archived -I f****** suck dick at blogging
I can give a f*** I'm going to try to push push this stupid ass speak now thing to f*** in Brink I swear to f****** god on what the f***** up with my life and why my life is such a f****** chaotic f****** pala f****** horse s*** constantly yeah I have a lot of the Irish and curse of the English man what the f*** is wrong with the f*** is going on f*** me to f****** hell I f****** hate this stupid f****** blog I hate how nobody f****** read it nobody gives a f****** all this stupid f****** block ever done has got me into trouble with people and got people hate me even more than I already f****** do you f*** blogging like the way I blog I am a f****** god damn f****** pile of f****** s*** blogger what the f*** I would like to like to find a way to plug without having to be such a f****** b******* ass to compile a f****** s*** finally I'm making some money on YouTube but not getting any subscribers I am not doing much like I just have so many f****** god damn videos that a generation money I'm such a f****** worthless pile of s*** I can't come up with anything f****** creative are good that would hurt people the f****** have anything to do with me for the nice need our help me make money at al
So now what am I supposed to do I don't f****** know I'm going to sit down and make a game plan and try to get positive and focused and on a game plan if not being such a f****** pile of s*** that is expecting people to like me because I have to send in my heart that was it called when people feel like there something off to them Abbas in titled meant because I'm a spoiled rotten piece of s*** American that never had to f****** s*** is life except f****** complain when all I have is f****** ugh awesome AT&T I have a lotta love you think about my life lot of opportunities allied you somehow f*** it up yeah I was on CNN the other day who is a f****** s*** yeah girl I used to date a George Clooney to get a f****** I swear to f****** god I need a f****** god damn mother f****** miracle right the f*** now quick the economy sucks dick I have 3 kids I'm f****** crazy from all the f****** LSD a f****** took I f****** swear to God I wanted to make medical marijuana a f****** we golfing in Illinois cuz I had to come out Illinois I'm such a f****** polish it I ended up going to a f****** assistant somehow getting a god damn handjob from a f****** idiot from an idiot asian f****** hooker how does this s*** happens in my life f****** fell apart it sucks dick I f****** hate it what the mother f****** f****** c*** sucking b**** hoe f*** need f****** help now I live out your f****** Illinois and get shootout at least once a day by my wife and get laid maybe once a month if I'm lucky
8 years of unsuccessful blogging
So I started a blog in 2004 so far it has been a very unsuccessful blog why is this ? I just don't understand why after 8 years basically to subscribers and generated like no money from this thing I guess suck at blogging maybe 1 day I'll be come a great blogger I use this blog more left very upset like my wife leaving me.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Steak n Shake food review
So good.
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Friday, May 04, 2012
Illinois... WTF
So this is more like a pathetic diary than a blog. It can take years for me to figure out the obvious. I just recently realized the Broncos are not the Dolphins. I only like football if it involves free pizza, beer orqp weed.
So how the fuck did I end up here? Doesnt matter. Im here so oh well. People dont change all that much usually. Though some do.
My point being this, my wife's family and her home town will eventually make her want to move far away.
I would love to move back to the west coast. But I could be happy anywhere if I can get time to work on my music and art and make money somehow. I do wish to live in a medicinal mj state. Its tuff out here just lime olympia because I watch the kids from 6am to 12am. I get snipets of time to attempt my business, but its never enough and my music is the thing left in the dust. Fuck it sucks so much sometimes. Oh well. Gotta stay happy somehow. Kids neef me again so I gotta go.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Whats new Mr. Drama?
I'm dramarific. I wondet when I will find inner peace. I'm gullible to an extreme. I want affection all the time. Regret is something I dwell on everyday. What should I do? Is it that I blame too much? I want to participate in something meaningful. Untill tomorrow. Try again I shall.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Finally....but not the final
It's here, it's on my droid, it's amazing*&%$# I finally have the blogger app. I swear I looked for it on this droid and it didn't exist ....but maybe it did and I didn't see it? Regardless - it's here now. I just wish I could talk into it.
What a crazy run the last 5 years have been. Treypac is now 6 and I have 2 little girls. I've been having weird dreams with a mixture of friends from different areas and times in my life. I'll have dreams about college with people from elementary school, dreams of still dating certain gf, dreams about my current wife... alll pretty vivud. No nightmares though... which is excellent because to me nightmares make me fearful of what could happen when dead.
I made a vlog apologizing to George Clooney and Sarah Larson today. Feels good. I've been getting guidence from Kitchen Nightmares tv show and the Acience of Mind little magazine/ sugest thingy. I got a few of the from my CSA Church in Olympia before I moved. I'm feeling optimistic about life.... and why not? I am a stay home Dad full of hope. I become a tool and guide for my girls. They are 6 months old and 2. I must enjoy my time with them; even the screaming and begging. They will be older eventually and I will have the drive and new experience to re-enter the arts in an intence full-time way I love. These girls rock and I have been rwcording Alaijah sing. I figure record her whenever I can and not to worry about editing it. Editing tajes me lots of time, abd once they are older I will have ample time to edit. Similar situations occurred with my boy Treypac. It took almost 2 years to edit our movie Gun Battle.
Love Universal
Pizza T
Sunday, March 25, 2012
I do live in Illinois now. I had to leave Olympia to be by my kids. My wife left me, but took me back as long as I moved to Illinois and said what she wanted to hear. i have to go now because baby is screaming.