Dude, I just read on the internet that In and Out Burger pays it's managers an average of 160,000 thousand dollars a year. I call bullshit. There is no way that could be true, and if it is I would like to see some evidence. You gotta be kidding me. There is no way. I could see 50k or may 70K, but 160,000K???? there is no way! I'll admit, I could be wrong. But in this case I would truly have to see it to believe it. And it claims that's the average and sometimes it's a little more. I think this has got to be bullshit, and if I'm wrong I am hella jealous.
and let me add.......
Am I the only one dude that doesn't think their food is any good??? I think it's a rip off of what McDonald's use to be. The menu is a knock off of the original McDonald's menu, and the damn place looks like an old school McDonald's with a crooked arch. I mean seriously, fuck In and Out. Their secret menu is bullshit too; I couldn't even tell they did anything different when they put mustard cooked into the meat. I was disappointed after all the hype I heard about how good it was. Carl's Jr.'s milkshakes are 100% times better than In and Out's. Thier burgers taste like a shittier version of the Del Taco Burger. I'm not impressed at all. I think In and Out's food taste low quality. Which could be why they can pay their managers so well because they spend so little buying the cheapest meat, produce, bread, ice cream they can find.
Prove me wrong.
Thanks for reading,
Pizza Tizzle