Monday, January 31, 2005

I am an Superstar, my videos get downloaded like everyday, and didn't need to team up with Dr. Dre. So anywayz, gangsterz are ont heir wayz. So A-Kamp played on a tv show in Tacoma at Bates Technical College. I saw a few people I think I might of went to jr. High with. But fuck all theat, I gotta get lunch asap. Feb 11th A-Kamp is playing the HCC. Word Wiggaz!

Friday, January 07, 2005

I am finally really over John Kerry losing. What a dork. My uncle Bob is da shit, no wonder my middle name was after his. I'm at the brother hood today. A-Kamp got a show on a tacoma comcast digital cable show, we gotta be in Tacoma by 8am, anything for television, I LOVE DAT SHIT. Maybe someday I'll be on Hanity and Combs or is it comes HA HA HA
Chris Mathews and Keith Oberman are da shiznit too. So I learned to blow glass pipes. I'll make you a custom one if you want. I'm out e'